Arlington, VA, USA
PD 345


Phoenix Organs is pleased to have been commissioned by well known American organist Haig Mardirosian to build a three manual/ 45 stop instrument for his residence, near Washington DC.

Dr. Mardirosian is Director of Music at Church of the Ascension/ St. Agnes, in DC, world-renowned recitalist, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, professor of music and Director of the General Education Program at American University.

The console, pictured at top right, is oak with cherry interior, and has exotic wood Harris Precision drawknobs with domed inserts. Some of the stops used in this organ were sampled from the Letourneau organ (St. Hyacinthe, Quebec) at Ascension/St. Agnes.

At right is Donald Anderson of Phoenix Organs seated at the Letourneau during the recording of the organ in December '06. Looking on is Dan Smith, of DKS Pipe Organ Service, Phoenix Virginia representative. Mr. Smith installed the Mardirosian residence organ. At bottom right is part of the beautiful Letourneau facade at Ascension/ St. Agnes in DC. 

Crafted with Integrity and Uncommon Care.